MDL Centrality
Streamline your process.

Streamline the Fact Sheet Process with MDL Centrality’s Switch Board
- Clients have easy access to plaintiff Fact Sheets through links sent by Firms
- Complete, store, and serve plaintiff and defendant Fact Sheets online.
- Instantly access plaintiff Fact Sheets and plaintiff documents.
- Receive and respond to deficiency notices.
Data created in Fact Sheet submissions is maintained in our secure database and can be used to analyze the types of cases and claims submitted globally, the incidence of each claimed injury, and any other piece of information provided in the Fact Sheets. This real-time case data is invaluable when selecting bellwether candidates, managing case inventory, and in settlement negotiations. Firms no longer need to hire third parties to gather Fact Sheets, MDL Centrality can do it for them.
Stay Informed on the Latest Case Developments with MDL Centrality
- Storage of all pleadings in a Federal proceeding filed in the court ECF System.
- Receive immediate notification of new ECF filings.
- Access and search pleadings by filer name, document, or docket number without incurring an additional charge.
MDL Centrality accesses, downloads, and stores pleadings filed by all parties or the court in the federal ECF System. Pleadings are automatically downloaded directly from the court’s PACER system without requiring you to upload pleadings separately to MDL Centrality. As a registered user, you receive email alerts of new items in the docket, and you can search for and access pleadings without any additional charge.
Export Fact Sheets Data and Documents into Claim Forms with MDL Centrality
- Automatically import and transfer Fact Sheet responses to the Claim Form without having to manually re-enter the data.
- Select and transfer documents uploaded with the Fact Sheet to submit with the Claim Form package.
MDL Centrality collects and stores plaintiff data from the Fact Sheets that is typically required in a Claim Form, allowing you to quickly transfer pre-filled data to matching Claim Form questions. General information, such as plaintiff name, date of birth, date and type of injury, physician, and hospital name is automatically transferred from the plaintiff Fact Sheet to the Claim Form, eliminating the need to re-enter data.
MDL Centrality Provides Document Storage Solutions Beyond the Traditional Repository
- Electronically upload and store documents in a secure, online repository.
- Easily search for documents by upload date, document name, or upload source.
- Exchange documents with authorized users, and automatically generate email notifications to users about new document submissions.
Eliminate the need to buy and maintain a separate document storage solution. MDL Centrality can serve as an online document repository for storage of discovery materials, case information, research, and any other documents generated during litigation, giving you access to case documents from any location with an internet connection.
MDL Centrality Puts Case Data at Your Fingertips
- Easy and quick analysis of information, such as the incidence of each claimed injury, common medical providers, and defendant sales representatives.
- Real-time, on-the-spot demographics for all plaintiffs.
- Aggregate data from various sources in MDL Centrality, including Fact Sheets, Docket Central, and Discovery Central.
With MDL Centrality, you can generate reports on any data points entered into the system. Gain insight on case statistics, individual plaintiff Fact Sheet information, documents uploaded, and other information important to the court or the parties. You can export all reports from MDL Centrality and save them to your computer or local network.