case study
Combat Arms Earplugs Settlement

BrownGreer serves as the Settlement Administrator in the Combat Arms Earplugs Settlement, established to resolve claims against defendants concerning Combat Arms Version 2 earplugs manufactured from 1999 to 2015.
Key Statistics
$6 billion
Total fund amount
7 years
Program length
BrownGreer serves as the Settlement Administrator in the Combat Arms Earplugs Settlement established to resolve all claims in MDL and Minnesota related to Combat Arms Version 2 earplugs manufactured from 1999 to 2015.
In that role, BrownGreer acts in accordance with the provisions of the MSA and orders of the Court. These duties include processing claims, issuing payments, and reporting as required by the Court.
BrownGreer developed and currently operates a secure portal to exchange information with the Settlement Program, see data and notices for participating claimants, and run reports on claimant statuses, payments, and liens.
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